Travel by Train


Tim by Train in doing what he does
Ro by Train on the Eurostar
Mo by Train in Switzerland

Who are we?

We are travel enthusiasts. We are Train enthusiasts. But most of all we are people enthusiasts. We have made a commitment to bring you train travel information at no cost to you so that you may be more informed about your travel decisions and utilize our favorite mode of transportation, the train. Our goal is to give you the tools to plan your own adventure so that you can get the most from your travel experience. We will try and answer all your questions and inform you of affordable ways to travel by train as well as other forms of transportation that are green and utilize a small footprint. This does not include car rentals or planes as both of these forms have a relatively large carbon footprint and we are trying to be conscious of that aspect of travel.

What You Will Find at Travel by Train

There are places you will go that will require plane travel such as Western Europe on this site. You just won’t find any information regarding flights on this site. What you will find however, is the latest up to date information regarding train travel in our 3 major listed areas. Once we have thoroughly covered these areas, we plan to expand our train information to other regions on the globe. We will continue to collect and collate information and bring it to you as soon as we authenticate it. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. We invite you to share your train travels with us by submitting your story with images to this site, or post them on our instagram or facebook pages. All aboard…

TbT Colorado Crew
TbT Crew on the train to Portland
Breakfast with the TbT crew on the train to Portland